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Tautoko Tangata, Tautoko Hapori
Supporting People, Supporting Community

Tautoko Tangata, Tautoko Hapori
Supporting People, Supporting Community

Tautoko Tangata, Tautoko Hapori
Supporting People, Supporting Community

Birtright Services

Birthright offers a range of social services for the children and parents of families led by one person, and some regions also provide services to two-parent and blended families. If you are a mum, dad, grandparent or another whānau member parenting alone, we can support you. The support we provide is confidential, non-judgemental, friendly and in most cases free of charge. Contact your local Birthright to learn more about their services and how you can access them, or call your local Birthright on 0800 457 146 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Range of services

The range of services offered varies at each Birthright but will include all or some of the following:

  • Social work support and counselling for children, families and whānau
  • Parent education programmes
  • Budgeting advice
  • Referrals to recognised agencies for specialist services
  • Parent networking opportunities
  • Self-esteem programmes for children
  • Some financial assistance with school requirements and holiday camps
  • Practical assistance with clothing supplies and household items
  • Access to resources and information

Where services are not offered directly, we often refer to other services.

How we can support you

A wide variety of needs may emerge when you are a single-parent family. Asking for support or advice is something you and the whole family can benefit from. At Birthright, we work with you to assess and identify your most pressing needs. Finding suitable housing, sourcing basic necessities, accessing the right entitlements, managing finances and personal wellbeing are just some of the challenges that families can face.

We have trained and experienced staff and social workers who offer practical support, resources and encouragement. You might just need a helping hand, a point in the right direction or support to access the services you need. We can work with you one-on-one to find solutions to problems, or bring different community service providers together to come up with a comprehensive plan for what your family needs. We recognise the strength and diversity of families and support you to succeed on your own terms.

Advocacy support

Understanding your rights and entitlements as a family led by one person may, at times, be overwhelming. There might be times where you need some support to have your voice heard or have someone speak on your behalf. Birthright can stand beside you and support you to understand and exercise your rights and express your views on issues that are important to you.

We can support you during meetings with schools, organisations and agencies such as Work and Income and Housing New Zealand. We can represent your interests with you or on behalf of you, to ensure you obtain the services you need and the support and you are entitled to. Birthright also advocates at a national level for systemic change on behalf of families led by one person.

Helping you connect with your community

Birthright understands the importance of community and the diversity of whānau in our communities. We provide our services within the community and work closely with other community service providers to ensure, if you need support, you can access appropriate services locally.

We understand the ups and downs for single-parent families so offer ways for you to connect with other families in your community. These provide a good opportunity to meet other people who are going through similar experiences to you. Connect with your local Birthright on Facebook to find out what events and activities are happening in your area.

Please use the below information to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

663 Main Street Palmerston North
Phone: 06 3500307 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.